Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 1

This morning I got up at 6 am and ran about 6.6 miles in my new Vibram FiveFinger running shoes. I normally wouldn't want to run so far in shoes with so little support as I am a pronator (or maybe a supinator), but I am participating in BYU's Vibram study. The study is pretty sweet and I am glad I am doing it, but it is a challenge. I have been out in the Vibrams a total of four times over the last 2 weeks and every time I am getting blisters, arch pain, and calf pain. However they are pretty sweet looking (I will put up a picture when I figure this whole blogging thing out).

So I was feeling pretty good this morning when I went out. I ran down to the Riverwoods on the bike path and didn't feel much pain at all. On the way home a little bit of pain started and I struggled the last mile or so. Overall though it was a great run. It took me about 51 minutes which isn't fast but I am just coming back still.

After running I got to the gym and worked my chest and triceps, with a little bit of shoulders as well. I threw up 80 lbs dumbbells today for the first time! With the 80's I did two sets with 8 and 7 reps. For the last few years I could never get past the 65 lbers, so 80 was huge today.

I started my "diet" Saturday morning and it is not easy. I am mostly just trying to eat healthier, but I also want to lose about 30 lbs. If I am going to run 100 miles after all, I don't want to be carrying 33 lbs that I don't need. I was at 168 last week so the goal is to be at 135 by September. I think it's totally doable!

I won't lie though, today was brutal! I made a great salad tonight which saved me, but living off of carrots, a banana, and an apple for lunch was nearly impossible.

Well that is all for today.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

New Blog

I am running the Wasatch 100 Mile Endurance Race in September of 2012. I am starting this blog as a way to keep track of my training, to let others know what I'm doing, and hopefully to stay motivated as I prepare for this epic adventure.